Monday, August 29, 2011

More Quotations

Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped. - Elbert Hubbard

હવે ખેતર માં
ચડીયા વધુ ને પાક ઓછો છે,
ખબર નથી પડતી
કોણ કોને સાચવે છે?
પ્રતિમા પંડ્યા

An hour of sleep before midnight is worth two, and an hour of work before noon is worth two.
Always pick your kids up from school. That's when they want to talk.
Never let your skill exceed your virtue.
Never take less than two weeks off when you have a child or for your honeymoon. Don't let them talk you down.
When you mess up, admit it frankly and quickly, and move on.
Always do your very best in your job, but if you don't like what you're doing enough that you would do it for free, quit. (This seems extreme, but at the same time mentally liberating.)
If you wouldn't do your job for FREE, then QUIT. | BernMedical

Robert Benchley once said: "The freelance writer is a man who is paid per piece or per word or perhaps".

"Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys." P. J. O'Rourke

"Whosoever desires constant success must change his conduct with the times." Niccolo Machiavelli

world-wide survey was conducted
If a problem has no solution, it may not be a problem, but a fact - not to be solved, but to be coped with over time. - Shimon Peres

The only question asked was:
"Would you please give your honest opinion about solutions to the food shortage in the rest of the world ?"

The survey was a huge failure....because

In Africa they didn't know what 'food' meant,
In Pakistan they didn't know what 'honest' meant,
In Europe they didn't know what 'shortage' meant,
In China they didn't know what 'opinion' meant,
In the Middle East they didn't know what 'solution' meant,
In South America they didn't know what 'please'meant, the USA they didn't know what 'rest of the world' meant !

દોસ્ત, કોઈ તારું વાટશે, કોઈ તળિયા ચાટશે,
તું તમા ના લેશ કર, બસ ખેલતો જ ને ટેસ કર
-સાઇ મકરંદ

The worst misfortune that can happen to any ordinary man is to have an extraordinary father. - Austin D'Malley

લોઢું ગરમ જોઈએ, પણ હતોડા એ તો ઠંડા જ રહેવું જોઈએ. હથોડો ગરમ થઇ જાય તો પોતાનોજ હાથ બાળે - સરદાર વલ્લભભાઈ પટેલ

તને સમય નથી ને મારો સમય નથી,
કોને કહ્યું કે આપણી વચ્ચે પ્રણય નથી.
બાપુભાઈ ગઢવી

વાત મારી માનશે એવુય કંઈ નથી
આમ પણ મારે હવે કે'વું ય કંઈ નથી
આમ પોતાનો નથી ગણતા મને કડી
આમ પાછું પારકા જેવુય કંઈ નથી
મકરંદ મુસળે

છે ભૂલા પાડવાનો એક જ ફાયદો
કેટલા રસ્તા પરિચિત થાય છે
- અમિત વ્યાસ

I don't think you can make a lawyer honest by an act of legislature. You've got to work on his conscience. And his lack of conscience is what makes him a lawyer. - Will Rogers

A single finger of a friend which comes to wipe your tears in your worries is much better than ten which comes to gather to clap at your victory.

Art of friendship is like playing a musical instrument! First you must learn to play by rules, then you must forget all rules and play from your heart.

Apologizing does not mean you are wrong and the other is right, it means you respect your relationship more than your ego.

બાપુ સિગારેટ પીતા'તા .
પટેલ " બાપુ કઈ સિગારેટ છે"
બાપુ " ટુ સ્ક્વેર "
પટેલ " બાપુ ફોર સ્ક્વેર સાંભળી છે આ..?
બાપુ " તે આ એનુજ ઠુંઠું છે અલ્યા ..."

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. - SETI

હજી સુધી
કોઈ દીવા ની જ્યોત
અંધારા ને કારણે
હોલવાઈ ગઈ હોય
એવું બન્યું નથી.
-ગુણવંત શાહ

નવીનતા ને ના ઠુકરાઓ
નવીનતા પ્રાણ પોષક છે
જુઓ, કુદરત તરફથી
શ્વાસ પણ જુના નથી મળતા - મરીઝ

Do not put knowledge before wisdom, science before art and cleverness before common sense. At the end of all that we learn, at the end of all the experience we gather, ultimately it boils down to common sense. -Dr. Tushar Shah

Present day medical education fails to teach a medical student that at the other end of stethoscope, person lying has not only a cardiac murmur but also an anxious wife, two lovely children and an unusual unbalanced budget. -Dr. Tushar Shah

1. ------------

Ans. = man overboard

Okay, let's see if you've got the hang of it.


2. ------------

Ans. = I understand
OK .

Got the drift ?
Let's try a few now and see how you fare ?

3. /r/e/a/d/i/n/g/

Ans. = reading between the lines


Ans. = cross road

Not having a good day now, are you ?
Redeem yourself.

5. cycle

Ans. = tricycle

Not easy to figure out ha!

6. ------------

Ans. = two degrees below zero

C'mon give it a little thought ! !

7. knee

Ans. = neon light

( knee - on - light )

U can prove u r smart by getting this one.

8. ---------------
feet feet feet feet feet feet

Ans. = six feet underground

Oh no, not again ! !

9. he's X himself

Ans. = he's by himself

Now u messing up big time.

10. ecnalg

Ans. = backward glance

Not even close ! !

11. death ..... life

Ans. = life after death

Okay last chance ...................


Ans. = think big ! !

And the last one is real fun - - -

13. abababababababababababababababababababab...

Ans. = long time no 'C'

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